Week 6: February 12, 2015
Inclusive Economy
5:45 pm Dinner
6:05 Opening & Agenda Review
6:10 5-Min Reading Summary Reflection (Diana Trinh, Stacy Lee)
6:40 How Serious is the Economic Gap and what is an initiative in your organization?
Charisse Ma Lebron, Director Health Policy/Community Development, Working Partnerships USA
Dr. Tony Samara, Senior Project Manager, Land Use/Housing, Urban Habitat
8:10 Break
8:30 Project Meeting
9:30 Reflection (Mayra)
9:40 Next week and announcements (Michael)
9:45 Adjourn
6:05 Opening & Agenda Review
6:10 5-Min Reading Summary Reflection (Diana Trinh, Stacy Lee)
6:40 How Serious is the Economic Gap and what is an initiative in your organization?
Charisse Ma Lebron, Director Health Policy/Community Development, Working Partnerships USA
Dr. Tony Samara, Senior Project Manager, Land Use/Housing, Urban Habitat
8:10 Break
8:30 Project Meeting
9:30 Reflection (Mayra)
9:40 Next week and announcements (Michael)
9:45 Adjourn