CLP 2016 Week 9
Election Campaign 101: Candidates and Managers
This week we consider being a campaign manager or as a candidate for public office as a part of one's civic career. |
5:00 Set up
5:15 Dinner Mixer
6:00 Opening
6:05 Reading/Facebook Reflection 5+10
6:20 General Campaign Workshop (45min)
Facilitators: El Camino Hospital Director Dennis Chiu and San Jose Police Officers Association Vice- President James Gonzales
7:05 Campaign sessions facilitated by Dennis Chiu & James Gonzales (1/2hr)
Participants break into 2 groups to participate in a session:
Group 1 How to be a candidate
Group 2 How to manage a campaign
7:35 Convene and share session thoughts and appreciations
7:45 Break
8:00 Quiet Time
8:15 Team Project Check-In
9:15 Next Class: Allyship and Racial, Gender and Sexuality Barriers with Bonnie Sugiyama, CLP Alum & Director of the PRIDE Center and Gender Equity Center at San Jose State University
9:20 Closing reflections or appreciations
9:30 Adjourn/take-down
Personal Civic Plan Due Today
5:00 Set up
5:15 Dinner Mixer
6:00 Opening
6:05 Reading/Facebook Reflection 5+10
6:20 General Campaign Workshop (45min)
Facilitators: El Camino Hospital Director Dennis Chiu and San Jose Police Officers Association Vice- President James Gonzales
7:05 Campaign sessions facilitated by Dennis Chiu & James Gonzales (1/2hr)
Participants break into 2 groups to participate in a session:
Group 1 How to be a candidate
Group 2 How to manage a campaign
7:35 Convene and share session thoughts and appreciations
7:45 Break
8:00 Quiet Time
8:15 Team Project Check-In
9:15 Next Class: Allyship and Racial, Gender and Sexuality Barriers with Bonnie Sugiyama, CLP Alum & Director of the PRIDE Center and Gender Equity Center at San Jose State University
9:20 Closing reflections or appreciations
9:30 Adjourn/take-down
Personal Civic Plan Due Today